Zerlia Heads Italian Machine Group
MILAN, Italy — Carlo Zerlia of Marini Quarries Group will be the president of Confindustria Marmomacchine unitl 2014.
Click photo to enlargeAt its annual convention here last month, the Italian stone-machine association confirmed Zerlia for a biennial term as the president.
The assembly also confired six board members for two-year terms: Roberto Alimonti, Rastone; Francesco Asnao, Redaelli Tecna-Divisione Teci; Marino Dossena, Diamond Service; Vittorio Grassi, Grassi 1880; Arianna Marchetti, Officine Marchetti; and Alessandro Stocco, Co.fi.plast.
More than 120 delegates met at the June 15 meeting. Confindustria Marmomacchine includes more than 330 Italian member companies
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