U.S. Surface Imports October 2017

Quartz-surface imports continues at a record growth pace at U.S. ports-of-entry as 2017 headed into its final quarter, according to customs tallies.

The Stone Update analysis of October data from the U.S International Trade Commission showed year-to-year growth in the volume of quartz-slab imports rose by 55.8% — and the October-to-October jump for the leading exporter, China, came in at an astounding 88.3%.

October, however, didn’t represent another record month for quartz-surface imports. Totals fell short of this September’s mark of 11,064,202 ft².

Granite remained in its slow-recovery mode, with this October’s performance at an all-but-frictional dip of 0.8%. Market-leader Brazil continued posting better numbers than in this year’s first quarter, and gains from last October came in at a healthy 8.5%. Canada’s year-to-year shipments dropped 69.4% this October, but the country sent an abnormally large amount south of the border in October 2016. Italy, meanwhile, continued to drop, with its October shipments showing a yearly decoine of 21.9%

Marble bettered its import performance from October 2016 by 16.2%, based mainly on accelerated shipments from Turkey, which scored a 73.9% rise. Increased activity from India (62.6%) and Brazil (63.5%) offset sluggish exports from Italy (-8%) and China (-31.9%).

The import totals appear to be on tracks with trends seen in third-quarter 2017 analysis of data in the current issue of Stone Update Magazine. That includes the ascendance of quartz surfaces, in terms of value, as the number-one dimensional U.S. surface import.



250 Oct17 graniteslab volume IIClick on chart to enlarge


October 2017: 126,758 metric tons


Change from previous year: -0.8%


Market leader: Brazil, 61,899 metric tons


Change from previous year: 8.5%




250 Oct17 marbleslab volumeClick on chart to enlarge


October 2017: 36,459 metric tons


Change from previous year: 16.2%


Market leader: Turkey, 10,161 metric tons


Change from previous year: 73.9%




250 Oct17 quartzslab volumeClick on chart to enlarge


October 2017: 10,628,253 ft²


Change from previous year: 51.8%


Market leader: China, 6,337,289 ft²


Change from previous year: 88.3%






250 Oct17 travertine volumeClick on chart to enlarge


October 2017: 22,113 metric tons


Change from previous year: -6.3%


Market leader: Turkey, 15,541 metric tons


Change from previous year: -6.3%


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