Stone People: Finding the Best Solution
Regardless of the market – Nelson is also involved in an indoor soccer facility (Utah Futsal Arena) and software (Cambio Labs) – he says the key is to find the right management and operations people to make things happen.
Click to enlarge photoUltimately, he says it takes time to build a company – something he really didn’t start to understand until about a decade ago.
“Around 2004 I want from working hard to have a job to working hard to create a business,” Nelson says. “I’ve made more money by stepping back and not micromanaging. Instead I worked on understanding the fundamentals of the money side of it, understanding strategy and knowing where we make our dollars.
“I knew the questions to ask, but I wasn’t able to pull all that information together until I had other people to help me. Now, I’m looking forward and understanding what’s happening.
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