Stone Imports: First-Half Improvements in 2012
The volume side of other calcareous in 2012 yields a completely different tale, starting with the near-20% gain from January-June last year.
Massive shipments from Turkey and Portugal aren’t reflected in big value increases; both average less 1,000 metric tons a month this year, save for one month for each country where the scales tip past 20,000 metric tons. Even France shows less than 1% increase in value, but a solid 22.8% gain in volume during this year’s first half. At least the sector is looking up, which is much better than news in previous years.
Dimensional, non-roofing slate comes up a bit short in first-half 2012, although a drop of less than one percent is more of a small hiccup than a market omen.
Other suppliers pick up the slack for India, including some big moves for Brazil and Spain. The real laggard here is the United Kingdom; after building momentum in 2010 and 2011, slate shipments took a sharp dive of nearly 70 percent in this year’s first half.
The sector including what’s left in dimensional stone is going up in 2012, with a 25.4% increase in first-half values.
The top five countries show strong growth overall, sparked by second-place Brazil’s 53.6% gain. The remaining countries offered mixed results, usually to the downside – including Indonesia dropping out of the million-dollar club ($1.1 million in first half 2011, $791,432 for the same time this year).
Shipments, meanwhile, grew at a 11% clip in first-half 2012.
When the lowest rate of growth among the top five countries is “only” 7.8% (China), it’s an indication of continuing heath for this sector. Even Turkey, which went from 1,000+ metric tons per month early in 2011 to less than 100 metric tons in later months, shows a steady buildup in this year’s second quarter (although not enough to offset last year’s results).
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