StatWatch September 2019: What Quartz Glut?

By Emerson Schwartzkopf

300 daniel von appenApparently, a funny thing happened to the massive oversupply of imported quartz slabs.

Customers bought and installed it.

Despite grumblings late last year and over the summer of 2019 about China flooding the market to evade high unfair-trade tariffs, quartz surfaces remain a strong part of U.S. hard-surface imports. Even after the early summer squeeze of millions of square feet of Chinese quartz through a keyhole-sized exemption in tariffs, shipments remain strong from a large stable of other countries.

Other hard surfaces didn’t fare as well in Septmber, with granite going into a second month of decline and other natural stone feeling the absence of big shipments from China. And travertine imports remain in reverse gear.

All data is from the U.S. International Trade Commission, along with Stone Update analysis.(Comparisions with September 2018 data is shown in parentheses.)

A side note: Hard-surface import data and news easily outpaces anything else at to capture your interest. We’re going to offer something new in 2020 that you’ll like as readers (and advertisers). Get on the early list to know more by emailing me at



Total: 14,209,618 ft² (-1.8%)

Sector Leader: India, 4,761,949 ft² (+319.6%)

Backfill: China shippped 8.9 million ft² less this September than a year earlier — but overall imports are almost on par with the same time in 2018. Supply is keeping on pace, so it doesn’t appear that U.S. warehouses are stuffed with surplus quartz slabs; there’s still high market demand.

And, for those looking for transshipping locations: Let’s hope it’s not some kind of new papal bull with the declaration of 6,243 ft² from Vatican City.

(square feet)      
  19-Sep 18-Sep Change
TOTAL 14,209,618 14,472,602 -1.8%
India 4,761,949 1,134,956 319.6%
Spain 2,768,357 1,610,753 71.9%
Vietnam 1,300,279 202,254 542.9%
Turkey 1,157,808 292,304 296.1%
Israel 826,183 820,704 0.7%
Canada 723,313 616,771 17.3%
Taiwan 592,972 42,840 1284.1%
Italy 563,436 147,788 281.2%
Malaysia 363,798 0 N/A
South Korea 283,295 52,991 434.6%
Brazil 241,962 92,699 161.0%
Germany 166,399 67,253 147.4%
Czech Republic 160,339 105,615 51.8%
Portugal 156,701 180,198 -13.0%
Belgium 53,873 2,648 1934.6%
China 25,898 9,000,310 -99.7%
Hong Kong 15,414 37,222 N/A
United Arab Emirates 13,272 0 N/A
Mexico 9,526 0 N/A
Estonia 7,061 0 N/A
Vatican City 6,243 0 N/A
Oman 5,210 0 N/A
Indonesia 3,229 0 N/A
Philippines 1,528 0 N/A
Romania 775 0 N/A
Japan 517 0 N/A
Algeria 248 0 N/A
United Kingdom 32 0 N/A
Thailand 0 60,665 N/A
France 0 4,628 N/A
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 113,758 metric tons (-12.1%)

Sector Leader: Brazil, 60,750 metric tons (-8.3%)

Backfill: Worked (sawn, one-side polished) granite looks to be backsliding after a strong first-half 2019. All but one of the top exporters to the United States show declines in shipments, and the one gainer — Spain — is barely in the black.

(metric tons)      
  19-Sep 18-Sep Change
TOTAL 113,758 129,454 -12.1%
Top Countries      
Brazil 60,750 66,279 -8.3%
China 21,665 26,058 -16.9%
India 21,131 24,848 -15.0%
Spain 5,696 5,592 1.9%
Canada 1,788 2,950 -39.4%
Italy 1,722 2,318 -25.7%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 41,814 metric tons (-2.9%)

Sector Leader: Turkey, 18,652 metric tons (+10.1%)

Backfill: Minimal movement overall. The big hit comes from China with another month of significant reduction.

(metric tons)      
  19-Sep 18-Sep Change
TOTAL 41,814 43,073 -2.9%
Top Countries      
Turkey 18,652 16,936 10.1%
India 7,182 6,969 3.1%
Italy 5,861 6,116 -4.2%
Brazil 4,592 2,886 59.1%
China 3,269 7,199 -54.6%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 18,400 metric tons (-20.5%)

Sector Leader: Turkey, 14,172 metric tons (-19.2%)

Backfill: Travetine’s U.S. import boom lasted exactly one month. The splurge in Chinese travertine in August (9,585 metric tons) plummeted in September.

(metric tons)      
  19-Sep 18-Sep Change
TOTAL 18,400 23,140 -20.5%
Top Countries      
Turkey 14,172 17,545 -19.2%
Mexico 2,841 3,447 -17.6%
Italy 476 672 -29.2%
China 283 823 -65.6%
Peru 267 228 17.1%
Dominican Republic 117 41 185.4%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 9,605 metric tons (-32.7%)

Sector Leader: Canada, 1,373 metric tons (-57.3%)

(metric tons)      
  19-Sep 18-Sep Change
TOTAL 9,605 14,266 -32.7%
Top Countries      
Canada 1,373 3,212 -57.3%
China 1,356 2,595 -47.7%
Portugal 1,283 981 30.8%
Italy 1,005 1,074 -6.4%
Turkey 935 2,797 -66.6%
India 583 530 10.0%
Mexico 473 273 73.3%
France 388 536 -27.6%
Dominican Republic 340 388 -12.4%
Spain 330 319 3.4%
Morocco 323 258 25.2%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 39,034 metric tons (–5.2%)

Sector Leader: Brazil, 10,767 metric tons (-44.1%)

(metric tons)      
  19-Sep 18-Sep Change
TOTAL 39,034 41,181 -5.2%
Top Countries      
Brazil 10,767 19,272 -44.1%
Mexico 9,885 457 2063.0%
India 8,463 12,834 -34.1%
China 5,531 4,414 25.3%
Canada 1,572 1,363 15.3%
Italy 1,412 1,396 1.1%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



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