StatWatch May 2019: They’re Back ….

By Emerson Schwartzkopf

(Editor’s note: Changes were made in the article on July 16 to reflect a possible time loophole in quartz-surface tariffs.)

The first reaction in viewing May 2019’s data on U.S. imports of hard surfaces: Is this for real?

300 cristiano firmaniAfter watching China’s share of quartz-surface shipments drift into oblivion — from 12.9 million ft² last August to barely 30,000 ft² this April — the country reverses the flow and tops the 3 million ft² in May.

If the data from the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) is in error, it’s a doozie. (More on that in a minute.) It it’s a giant gamble from producers that the USITC would back away from 300%-plus tariiffs in May, they lost — but it’s possible they may have won a side-bet.

May also provided other interesting trends, including a progressive return of granite imports to good health; there’s also the continued depression in travertine shipments

All data is from the USITC, along with Stone Update analysis.(Comparisions with May 2018 data is shown in parentheses.)


Total: 14,211,911 ft² (+7.4%)*

Sector Leader: India, 3,734,051 ft² (+462.7%)


Backfill: That * in May’s import total is a caution, given the massive change in China’s monthly shipments this year. As one industry observer noted, that’s like having 700+ containers of slabs appear from nowhere. Right now, the increase is enough to put the sector ahead of May 2018, when the great wave of pre-tariff Chinese exports began.

Occasionally, a rogue mistake appears in USITC data; given that the agency reports millions of numbers in all export catagories annually, that’s not surprising. The USITC’s database, Dataweb, isn’f foolproof in reporting totals, especially when it combines categories for commodity reports.

The increase also didn’t come with some kind of super-low tariff-busting customs valuation. This May’s declared value for Chinese quartz totaled $20,598,918, or $6.80 per ft². (In May 2018, the per ft² came to $7.09.)

A closer inspection of the USITC’s order in the July 5 Federal Register on tariff collections  reveals a small window of time — from May 18 to July 5 — where incoming shipments and haulage out of ports may be liquidated (or declared final) “without regard” to the tariffs. Some canny Chinese producers and exporters may have wagered on a loophole in the tariff assessments.


. 19-May 18-May Change
TOTAL 14,211,911 13,230,394 7.4%
India 3,734,051 663,573 462.7%
China 3,030,856 7,470,405 -59.4%
Spain 2,678,747 2,299,718 16.5%
Turkey 873,017 314,317 177.8%
Israel 848,034 674,584 25.7%
Canada 732,462 586,611 24.9%
Vietnam 706,575 548,367 28.9%
Italy 373,357 199,756 86.9%
South Korea 332,497 64,024 419.3%
Brazil 191,845 80,988 136.9%
Czech Republic 130,092 59,062 120.3%
Portugal 121,567 134,990 -9.9%
Malaysia 112,752 0 N/A
Germany 108,554 33,960 219.7%
Belgium 78,684 21,635 263.7%
Taiwan 50,138 0 N/A
United Kingdom 29,525 0 N/A
Mexico 23,142 16,835 37.5%
Hong Kong 19,267 38,739 -50.3%
U.A.E. 12,056 0 N/A
Thailand 10,193 12,422 -17.9%
Estonia 7,223 0 N/A
Indonesia 5,285 129 3991.7%
Dominican Rep. 1,475 0 N/A
Poland 517 0 N/A
Australia 0 10,280 -100.0%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 149,148 metric tons (+19.1%)

Sector Leader: Brazil, 64,158 metric tons (+3.3%)

Backfill: Worked (sawn, one-side polished) granite continues to gain in U.S. imports after falling in the doldrums for the past few years. The big jump from May 2018 comes courtesy of China with an impressive 84.5% boost in shipments.

  19-May 18-May Change
TOTAL 149,148 125,250 19.1%
Top Countries      
Brazil 64,158 62,115 3.3%
China 46,149 25,014 84.5%
India 23,808 22,330 6.6%
Spain 6,943 8,640 -19.6%
Canada 4,931 3,282 50.2%
Italy 1,930 2,965 -34.9%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 45,905 metric tons (+2.9%)

Sector Leader: Turkey, 18,349 metric tons (+15.0%)

Backfill: Double-digit growth from May 2018 in shipments from Turkey and India are nearly offset by declines from China (-45.2%) and Italy (-13.5%).

  19-May 18-May Change
TOTAL 45,905 44,591 2.9%
Top Countries      
Turkey 18,348 15,953 15.0%
India 9,286 7,554 22.9%
Italy 6,914 7,990 -13.5%
Brazil 4,264 3,019 41.2%
China 3,519 6,424 -45.2%
Greece 1,083 692 56.5%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis




Total: 19,320 metric tons (-29.6%)

Sector Leader: Turkey, 13,452 metric tons (-34.8%)

Backfill: When will the decline end. Not soon, as Turkey’s shipments lag by a third from May 2018, and the amount from other countries keeps dwindling.

  19-May 18-May Change
TOTAL 19,320 27,439 -29.6%
Top Countries      
Turkey 13,452 20,627 -34.8%
Mexico 3,914 4,268 -8.3%
Italy 928 636 45.9%
China 364 753 -51.7%
Peru 295 912 -67.7%
Spain 175 154 13.6%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 13,592 metric tons (-4.4%)

Sector Leader: Turkey, 2,467 metric tons (+18.9%)

  19-May 18-May Change
TOTAL 13,592 14,218 -4.4%
Top Countries      
Turkey 2,467 2,075 18.9%
Canada 2,408 4,621 -47.9%
China 2,197 2,780 -21.0%
Portugal 945 1,210 -21.9%
Dominican Rep 942 377 149.9%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis



Total: 39,276 metric tons (-10.1%)

Sector Leader: India, 14,649 metric tons (+3.6%)

  19-May 18-May Change
TOTAL 39,276 43,690 -10.1%
Top Countries      
India 14,649 14,137 3.6%
Brazil 12,997 19,295 -32.6%
China 5,641 4,027 40.1%
Canada 2,133 1,908 11.8%
Italy 1,699 1,946 -12.7%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Stone Update analysis


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