StatWatch September 2018: Quartz’s Ebb Tide

By Emerson Schwartzkopf

Photo by Mikkel Jonck SchmidtThe quartz-import tsunami from China receded at U.S. ports-of-entry in September, but the damage isn’t over yet.

The 9.1 million ft² of Chinese quartz surfaces sent to the United States in September ranks as the fourth-largest month of shipments in history – but it’s almost 30% lower than the high mark of 12.9 million ft² in August, according to Stone Update analysis of surface-import data from the U.S. International Trade Commission.

The decline came as the market adjusted for a series of tariffs brought by the Trump administration and an unfair-trade petition by U.S. manufacturer Cambria. Shipments will likely continue to drop through the rest of the year, but problems with a possible retroactive tariff assessment may make for some extremely expensive trouble for importers.



The decline from August to September in Chinese quartz-surface exports didn’t cause the sector to implode. The 14.6 million ft² sent worldwide to the United States in September is 31.9% higher than shipments at the same time last year; China’s 9.1 million ft²is 56.2% better than September 2017 totals.

Of the other four major (>500,000 ft²) quartz-surface exporters in September, only Spain saw a decline (1.6 million ft², -27.5%) from the same time last year. Israel showed the best performance, gaining 49% from September 2017 with its 820,704 ft² this year.

The end of huge shipments of quartz surfaces from China isn’t the end of the story, however. A decision by the U.S. Department of Commerce could mean that tariffs as high as 314% announced in November could be imposed retroactively on an unknown number of shipments received from mid-August to mid-November.


U.S. Imports: Quartz Slabs

(square feet)      
Sep-18 Sep-17 Change
TOTAL 14,605,708 11,072,598 31.9%
China 9,129,563 5,846,326 56.2%
Spain 1,610,753 2,221,055 -27.5%
India 1,134,956 874,233 29.8%
Israel 820,704 550,810 49.0%
Canada 616,771 466,195 32.3%
Turkey 292,304 120,362 142.9%
Vietnam 202,254 360,591 -43.9%
Portugal 180,198 74,131 143.1%
Italy 147,788 169,133 -12.6%
Czech Republic 105,615 34,315 207.8%
Brazil 92,699 54,401 70.4%
Germany 67,253 73,959 -9.1%
Thailand 60,665 6,706 804.7%
Korea 52,991 61,925 -14.4%
Taiwan 42,840 3,897 999.4%
Hong Kong 41,075 39,288 4.5%
France 4,628 0 N/A
Belgium 2,648 10,409 -74.6%
Mexico 0 9,031 N/A
Switzerland 0 6,200 N/A
Australia 0 4,263 N/A
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission; Stone Update analysis



Leave to granite to supply some good news in September hard-surface imports, as overall shipments to the United States hit 129,391 metric tons – a 9.7% increase from the same time last year.

Brazil may be slowly moving into U.S. export growth, with September’s 66,266 metric tons marking a monthly high for 2018. It’s been a fits-and-starts year for Brazil, with a sub-par first quarter, growth in April-May, a major slide back of 20,000 metric tons in June-July, and recovery in August-September.

The Trump administration (or Section 301) blanket tariffs of 10% on Chinese goods had only a small effect – if any – with granite, with shipments declining only 3.5% from September 2017. India continued with a strong 2018; not so with Spain, Canada and Italy, with major exports drop-offs from this August and in year-to-year comparisons.


U.S. Imports – Worked Granite
(metric tons)      
Sep-18 Sep-17 Change
TOTAL 129,391 117,941 9.7%
Top Countries
Brazil 66,266 53,677 23.5%
China 25,943 26,879 -3.5%
India 24,913 21,063 18.3%
Spain 5,592 6,939 -19.4%
Canada 2,950 5,069 -41.8%
Italy 2,318 3,217 -27.9%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission; Stone Update analysis


Turkey remained the master of worked-marble volume in September, increasing its shipments by 57.6% from September 2017. Turkey also provided almost all of the gain in U.S. export tonnage for the sector, with the 43,239 metric tons showing a 18.2% rise from the previous year.

Whatever you call the 10% general tariff on Chinese goods, it failed to deter marble shipments; China’s 7,391 metric tons made for a healthy 21.7% year-to-year increase for September.


 U.S. Imports: Worked Marble
(metric tons)      
Sep-18 Sep-17 Change
TOTAL 43,239 36,592 18.2%
Top Countries
Turkey 16,929 10,739 57.6%
China 7,391 6,073 21.7%
India 6,969 6,583 5.9%
Italy 6,098 7,179 -15.1%
Brazil 2,886 3,051 -5.4%
Greece 864 791 9.2%
Spain 812 720 12.8%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission; Stone Update analysis




 U.S. Imports: Travertine
(metric tons)      
18-Sep 17-Sep Change
TOTAL 23,163 31,563 -26.6%
Top Countries
Turkey 17,538 23,834 -26.4%
Mexico 3,455 3,800 -9.1%
China 843 710 18.7%
Italy 672 2,361 -71.5%
Peru 228 402 -43.3%
Spain 130 150 -13.3%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission; Stone Update analysis




U.S. Imports: Other Calcareous 
(metric tons)      
18-Sep 17-Sep Change
TOTAL 14,327 17,210 -16.8%
Top Countries
Canada 3,212 3,824 -16.0%
Turkey 2,791 4,132 -32.5%
China 2,669 3,622 -26.3%
Italy 1,074 474 126.6%
Portugal 981 1,003 -2.2%
France 555 255 117.6%
India 523 437 19.7%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission; Stone Update analysis





U.S. Imports: Other Stone
(metric tons)      
Sep-18 Sep-17 Change
TOTAL 41,163 44,425 -7.34%
Top Countries
Brazil 19,267 23,769 -18.94%
India 12,768 11,699 9.14%
China 4,467 4,286 4.22%
Italy 1,396 1,926 -27.52%
Canada 1,363 2,444 -44.23%
Source: U.S. International Trade Commission; Stone Update analysis