Seats Going Fast for Vermont Study Tour
Still thinking about joining the Vermont study tour next month from the Marble Institute of America (MIA) and the Building Stone Institute (BSI)? Act fast.
Click photo to enlargeOnly 10 seats are left for the Oct. 24-25 quarry-and-production event that includes stops at several Vermont marble and granite quarries, a tour of a historic cemetery, visits to Barre, Vt.-based stone companies and a tour of the Vermont Marble Museum.
A closing dinner involving both organizations will be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier on Oct. 25. Local areas stone artisans and other stone industry affiliates from the Barre Granite Association will also be invited.
The tour is $249 for MIA members and $349 for non-members, with MIA registration available here.
Lodging arrangements should focus on the tour’s base city of Montpelier. The MIA’s HQ will be the Comfort Inn & Suites at Maplewood, while the BSI is staying at the Capitol Plaza.