Ryan Blair Joins LATICRETE as Channel Manager
BETHANY, Conn. — LATICRETE International Inc. hires Ryan Blair as channel manager for the company’s Architectural Products Division (APD), reporting to Ron Nash, Director of APD Sales North America.
Ryan Blair“We are excited about having Ryan Blair on staff,” says Ron Nash, LATICRETE director of APD sales for North America. “He comes to us with years of marketing and product management experience.
Blair comes to LATICRETE from a line of marketing companies including Stanley Black & Decker, Timex Group USA and, most-recently, ShelterLogic® Corp. Throughout his career, he has partnered with Reebok and other prominent brands in delivering unique products to the marketplace.
“We believe he will be a valuable asset to our whole organization,” Nash says. “He will be responsible for being a liaison between sales and marketing and assisting in developing the APD channel.”
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