Pokarna Engineered Stone Contributes $260K-plus for Covid-19 Fight

SECUNDERABAD, India –  Pokarna Engineered Stone Limited, the wholly owned subsidiary of Pokarna Limited, contributed 20 million rupees – in excess of $260,000 – to help fight Covid-19 effects.

300 quantraThe producers of Quantra quartz surfaces contributed ₹ 1 crore (10 million rupees, or $131,637) to the Chief Minister Relief Fund of Telangana, and a similar amount to the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Relief Fund for the fight against Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to the monetary contributions, Pokarna contributed thousands of masks and gloves to support healthcare professionals and policemen fighting Covid-19.

 “We applaud and support the outstanding work being done by the Central Government, Government of Telangana and Government of Andhdra Pradesh and other agencies in tackling this unprecedented situation,” said Gautam Chand Jain, Pokarna Group Chairman.  “We have made our humble contribution to support the much-needed relief efforts being driven by the respective State Governments.”

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