Pinnacle Awards Point to Stone’s Excellence
Commercial Exterior – Award of Merit
LDS Church History Library
Salt Lake City
Click photo to enlargeStone Installer: KEPCO+, Salt Lake City (MIA honoree)
Stone Supplier Fabricator: Bestview International, Wood Dale, Ill. (MIA honoree)
Client: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Architects: MHTN Architects
General Contractor: Jacobsen Swinerton Joint Venture
Stone Supplier/Fabricator: Cold Spring Granite (MIA member)
Stone: Uinta Gold granite, Wyndom Grey granite, Turkish White limestone
The honed Uinta Gold Granite comprising the majority of the exterior emanates strength and significance, while the building’s conservative design evokes respect suitable for the historic artifacts housed within. Polished Wyndom Grey granite was used as an accent around the windows, while honed Turkish White limestone clads the seven full columns located at the entrance of the building and the 20 partial columns spanning from the third floor to the roof line at the fourth-floor windows.Click photo to enlarge
Approximately 55 percent of the 53,500 ft² of exterior work was hand set, with the remainder utilizing a panel system. Panels ranged in size from 3’ X 8’ to 8-1/2’ X 30’; typical stones are 3’ X 6’. Building corners and the polished stones surrounding the windows are cubic to give the façade the look of thicker stone, while the large vault area of the building is accented with rock-finished granite banding. The honed limestone columns located at the building entrance are clad on both the exterior and the interior of the building to create a solid look.
Commercial Interior – Award of Merit
Sahra Spa at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Las Vegas
Click photo to enlargeStone Supplier/Fabricator: Las Vegas Rock Inc., Jean, Nev. (MIA honoree)
Architect: United/Klai Juba
General Contractor: W. A. Richardson
Stone Installer: Cadillac Stone Works
Stone: Meta-Quartzite
With a concept of canyon crevasses for the facility, designers met with Las Vegas Rock (LVR) to produce a material that unified the threm and depicted nature’s sculptural motion throughout the space. LVR provided a “windswept” finish to their stone to emulate the natural erosion of landscapes. To provide an overall unification to the spa, a beautiful Meta-Quartzite stonewas utilized in several different applications to the walls, stairs, ceilings, terrazzo flooring, pool coping, a decorative sink, and the large belly slab in the hammam (Turkish bath).Click photo to enlarge
LVR provided a number-coded and colored mapping system with AutoCad® to help aid in the installation of the panels; with the mapping system, LVR was able to quarry and cut to size stone for the project on time. The wall system consisted of 2” to 4” undulating panels that LVR kerfed in house to assist the mechanical fastening. LVR hand-chiseled and sandblasted the panels to portray the overall aesthetic design.