Pearlman Group Appoints Simon, Lutz

NORCROSS, Ga. — Pearlman Group appoints Mark Simon as Vice President of Sales, and Amy Lutz as Director of E-commerce & Marketing.

Pearlman CEO Scott McLendon announced the appointments today.

200 simonMark SimonSimon will have the responsibility for overall sales strategy and all Pearlman Group sales resources. He’s a senior sales executive with an extensive background in the industrial electronics and automation distribution markets (including Carlton Bates Co. and Allied Electronics & Automation) while simultaneously support­ing digital initiatives In an omni-channel approach to supporting customer needs.

“He consistently delivers results by building high-performing teams, developing people, and is one of the most customer-centric people I’ve ever met,” McLeandon said. “I’m confident his skills and competencies are a perfect fit for us at this time in our company’s journey.”

“I’m very excited about the opportunity at Pearlman and am extremely energized about working with the best team in our Industry,” Simon said. “We’ll continue to put a laser focus on solving our customer’s problems and creating value for their businesses and our company alike.”

200 lutzAmy LutzLutz’s experience in building digital solutions includes management positions at Aaron’s Inc, Mohawk Industries, and Shaw Industries. She’ll accelerate the build-out of Pearlman’s omni-channel approach to servicing customers, with responsibility for all online and offline marketing strategies. platforms. tools and resources.

“She’s a get-it-done business leader and thrives on building teams that deliver professional digital tools at pace,” McLendon said. “Amy’s wealth of 828 and B2C experience will be invaluable as we continue to expand our omni-channel go-to-market approach.”

“I’m excited to join Pearlman and am looking forward to great collaboration with the team to deliver an industry-leading digital experience for our customers,” Lutz said. “By focusing on an optimized mobile-first approach to e-commerce, we will streamline and simplify the way customers engage with us.”

Headquartered in Norcross, Pearlman — through its primary brands of GranQuartz. Regent, Granite City Tool and Pearl Abrasive — ls a multi-channel developer and distributor of supplies, tools and equipment used in the fabrication and maintenance of hard surfaces for residential. commercial and industrial end-markets.

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