L.A. County Ponders Quartz-Surface Ban
Supervisors considering action; would affect population area of 9.8 million.
Supervisors considering action; would affect population area of 9.8 million.
Showroom and fabrication facility will serve the Carolinas.
Surfaces distributor equals its ranking in 2021 from Journal of Commerce.
Event includes shop tours demos, workshops, roundtables, and Windy City fun.
Unfair-trade duties from 2019 remain in place; India tariff review still active.
Industry group names Tile Person of the year, Joe A. Tarver Award.
More than 50 members attend for networking and presentations.
Spanish surfaces company announces plans for manufacturing facility in Jacksonville, Fla., with completion target in late 2028.
“Connecting In A Broad Circle” is theme for June 5-8 event, the first after lifting of travel restrictions.
Firm’s three co-founders shift to strategic roles.