New Products – March 2013
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MORE GRANITE SWATCHESMEGA Swatch, St. Louis, adds 30 new granite colors to its line of large-format samples of various product selections. The patent-pending samples, in sizes up to 24″ X 37″, now include 66 total selections in its library of lightweight photo-realistic sheets to offer customers existing inventory of 36 color selections.
CONTACT: MEGA Swatch, 314-849-1118
eCATALOGMK Diamond Products Inc., Torrance, Calif., offers a new eCatalog on its website, with a flip-page interface for online viewing and the ability to be saved as a PDF file. The company’s website is now easier to navigate; equipment pages now have tabs for quick reference to pertinent information such as Features, Specifications, Details and Accessories.
CONTACT: MK Diamond Products, 800-421-5830
iPHONE APPThe Marble Institute of America, Cleveland, and studiomarmo, Florence, Italy, now adds the iStone natural-stone swatch application for the iPhone and iPod. Also available for iPads, the app presents images and technical information on more than 1,000 natural stones worldwide, including a search function to filter by stone type, color, country of origin and more. Also included is the ability to view stones in 3D and bookmatch format, as well as email capability to share images. Buyers of the original iPad app will be able to download the new iPhone version at no charge.
CONTACT: Marble Institute of America, 440-250-9222
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