New Products – February 2013
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CNC LEATHERING TOOLBlick Industries, Laguna Beach, Calif., introduces the Leatherhead for honing and leathering of stone using a CNC fabrication machine. The 12.75”-diameter unit adapts to any 35mm conic tool holder; it accepts three Frankfurt-style brushes and can spin up to 1,500rpm. The tool can be used on belt-driven and electrospindle machines; CNC bridge saws must be able to tilt heads 90° and accept a 35mm tool holder.
Contact: Blick Industries, 949-499-5026
FIVE-AXES BRIDGE SAWMarmo Meccanica North America, Rochester Hills, Mich., offers the HTO-XALOC-R, a bridge saw with the capability of up to five axes of CNC cutting. The unibody (self-contained) unit includes a cutting production area of 3500mm X 2000mm, and accepts 300mm-600mm blades with available saw heads of 15.5kw and 18.4kw. An optional second vertical-axis mandrel allows for boring, drilling, vertical/curvilinear milling and contouring.
Contact: Marmo Meccanica North America, 248-853-9000
CNC PRODUCTION CENTERSalem Stone, Winston-Salem, N.C., offers the BLADE 5 CNC Work Center from OMAG S.p.A., Zanica, Italy, with five-axes technology to processing marble and granite for dimensional applications, as well as flat pieces such as countertops. Diversification increases existing market power and expands corporate capabilities into new markets and products. The unit features a fully rotating blade head and ISO50 tool attachment.
Contact: Salem Stone, 800-234-1982 X 243,
STONE-VENEER CUTTINGDiatool LLC, Chicago, introduces the Yonani MultiPro, designed for cutting ledge stone, cobblestones, tiles, baseboards, bricks, thin-veneer corners and more. The multiple-blade machine can cut materials up to 24” wide, with a maximum cutting depth of 8” using blades of 20” and 24” diameters.
Contact: Diatool LLC, 706-319-1703
FLOOR SCABBLERCS Unitec Inc., Norwalk, Conn., introduces MHS11, a new multi-headed concrete-floor scabbler for keying and laitance removal. The air-powered unit features 11 one-piece-piston bushhammer heads with tungsten carbide tips delivering 24,000 light blows per minute. With a cutting width of 9 5/6”, production capacity is approximately 100 ft² per hour; unit features include a vacuum dust shroud to reduce hazardous dust and maintain worksite cleanliness.
Contact: CS Unitec Inc., 800-700-5919
PORTABLE SAWBraxton-Bragg, Knoxville, Tenn., introduces the Raptor Portable Saw for on-site stone cutting/trimming and light-duty shop work. The unit utilizes a 5”, 13amp Milwaukee Tool 6117-30 angle grinder with lock-on switch to drive a 5” Viper® turbo blade, and a water-fed base allows for smooth, scratch-free cutting.
Contact: Braxton-Bragg, 800-575-4401
PENETRATING OUTDOOR SEALERDuPont Paver Armor Pro™, Hayward, Calif., introduces Premium Penetrating Natural Look Sealer, with protection against oil- and water-based stains, especially in heavy traffic areas. The weather-resistant solution protects for up to three years, dries clear with no white residue, and is non-film-forming to help minimize efflorescence. The low-maintenance solution is available in gallon, five-gallon and 55-gallon containers, along with a one-pint sample size.
Contact: DuPont Paver Armor Pro™, 877-786-6383