New Products – August 2013
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ROTARY-SCREW COMPRESSORSKaeser Compressors Inc., Fredericksburg, Va., Kaeser Compressors Inc., Fredericksburg, Va., introduces the redesigned BSD rotary screw compressors series. Available in 40 HP, 50 HP and 60 HP with flows from 157-294 cfm and pressures to 217 psig, the units feature enhanced energy efficiency through a combination of true direct drive design, premium efficiency motors, lower internal pressure differential, and optimized airends. Specific power is improved by up to six percent, with built-in heat recovery options, adding the potential for energy savings. The compressors also come standard with Sigma Control 2 with enhanced communications capabilities for seamless integration into plant control/monitoring systems. BSD models are also available with an integrated dryer for premium compressed air quality.
CONTACT: Kaeser Compressors, 877-586-2691
INDUSTRIAL-ENVIRONMENT GROUTCustom Building Products, Seal Beach, Calif., – Aug. 20, 2013 – Custom® Building Products introduces its Industrial Grade Commercial Epoxy Grout (CEG-IG), a 100-percent solids, water-cleanable epoxy grout is specially formulated for harshest industrial environments by incorporating high chemical, stain and temperature resistance. It can be used as both a grout and a setting mortar, contains recycled LEED® contributing ingredients, is color consistent, and stain- and chemical-resistant. The two-part, 100-percent solids epoxy features no shrinkage, is easy to spread, and water-cleanable. The solution is available in 27 colors.
CONTACT: Custom Building Products, 800-272-8786
PAVER SANDLATICRETE International Inc., Bethany, Conn., introduces PAVER LINK™, a professionally engineered joint sand for use on practically all hardscape projects. Ready for use right out of the package, it needs no misting with water or tamping down; once installed, it cures in just 12 hours, and will not stain pavers, create dust, or wash out. For the optimal results, paver joints should be a minimum of ¼” wide and at least 1” deep. PAVER LINK is best to be used with paving blocks, flagstones and larger, multi-shaped pavers. It is not recommended for use with joints less than ¼” wide.
CONTACT: LATICRETE International Inc., 800-243-4788 x610
LARGE-FORMAT-TILE MORTARMAPEI Americas, Deerfield Beach, Fla., introduces Kerabond™ T, a premium-grade, nonsag, nonslump mortar for use in large-format, thin-set and medium-bed tile installations on interior/exterior residential and commercial floors and walls. When mixed with water, Kerabond T acts as a medium-bed mortar meeting the ANSI A118.1 standard and ISO 13007 Classification C1T. When mixed with Keralastic™, a second-generation “flexible” acrylic latex additive from MAPEI, the resulting system has exceptional bond strength, flexural strength, elongation characteristics and freeze/thaw durability, meeting the ANSI A118.15 standard and ISO 13007 Classification C2ES2P2.
CONTACT: MAPEI, 800-426-2734
TRAY INSERT SHOWER DRAINSLUXE Linear Drains, Atlanta, launches a complete collection of architectural-grade, 100% percent stainless steel tile tray insert shower drains suitable for all residential and commercial projects. The new series of tile tray insert drains create the popular illusion of vanishing water, and can perfectly accommodate glass mosaic, porcelain and natural stone tiles up to ¾” thick. LUXE Linear Drains offers these ADA-compliant, design-friendly tile tray inserts for any shower project in six standard sizes including 26”, 30”, 36”, 40”, 48”, and 60”, complete with welded 2” diameter central outlets.
CONTACT: LUXE Linear Drains, 877-398-8110
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