Natural Stone Institute: 27th R.I.S.E Home
OBERLIN, Ohio — Natural Stone Institute members recently finished work on another specially adapted home for severely wounded veterans and first responders.
Annette and Matthew Slaydon admire the natural-stone kitchen island in their new R.I.S.E. home in Bayfield, Colo.The home, for USAF Tsgt. Matthew Slaydon and his family, is the 27th project involving institute members for the Gary Sinise Foundation’s R.I.S.E. program (Restoring Independence Supporting Empowerment).
Rocky Mountain Stone and Arizona tile provided natural stone and fabrication services for the Slaydon’s new home in Bayfield, Colo.
Slaydon joined the Air Force in 1989; during his third deployment as an EOD (explosive ordinance disposal) technician, Matthew was sent to Baghdad as a counter-improvised explosive device (IED) team leader.
On Oct.24, 2007, Slaydon and his team were called to investigate possible IEDs. A bomb filled with 15 pounds of homemade explosives, rebar, nails, and wood screws exploded two feet in front of him.
He received treatment in three different medical centers before arriving back in the United States to receive more than 16 months of treatment at Brooke Army Medical Center and the Center for the Intrepid in San Antonio. Matthew lost his left dominant arm and suffers bilateral blindness without light perception in his left eye, among other severe injuries.
Throughout his recovery, Slaydon has been inspired to keep going because of his sense of duty, his family, and his military brothers and sisters. His spouse, Annette, has been by his side through the entire process. This new home provides a space that is conducive to his day-to-day activities.
Companies interested in getting involved with future projects are encouraged to contact Pam Hammond at
To learn more, and to see a list of all Natural Stone Institute members who have donated their time, products, and services to this cause, visit
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