Marmomacc Boosts Visitors in 2015

VERONA, Italy – Marmomacc 2015 celebrated the event’s 50th year with a booar in attendance … with the majority of visitors hailing from outside the host country of Italy.

250 marmogroundsClick picture for full viewFrom Sept. 30-Oct. 3, the event attracted 67,000 attendees, up 3% from last year’s total. And more than half (57%) traveled from other countries (150 total) to the Veronafiere complex, boosting international attendance by 9% from 2014.

The increased international flavor continued with exhibits – 936 companies from 55 countries among the 1,524 total exhibitors. International trade delegations came from 55 countries/states, 11 more than in 2014.

Marmomacc set a new record for the number of buyers arriving from Europe (Germany and United Kingdom in particular, followed by Spain and France), with a significant increase in visitors from the United States, Canada, India and Australia, as well as Israel, Poland and Iran.

“This result is doubly rewarding for us, said Ettore Riello, Veronaiere president. “First and foremost, we have achieved all the goals we set ourselves for the 50th edition in terms of qualified attendance, trade delegations and professional operators, with across the board increases that helped create important and new business development opportunities and partnerships for our customers and for Veronafiere itself alike.

“Secondly, we demonstrated to the Government the validity of our conviction of the exhibition tool and its high-profile events as a vital asset for business by SMEs, especially in terms of exports, thereby including Marmomacc – on the strength of major results achieved in the course of fifty editions and its high level of internationality – in the Special Made in Italy Promotion Plan through a structured project also involving the ICE-Italian Trade Agency and Confindustria Marmomacchine.”

Giovanni Mantovani, CEO & Director General of VeronaFiere: “The show achieved extremely high levels of internationality on all fronts, with significant increases even by geographic areas where we have already been directly and continuously active for many years, through our companies, partnerships, initiatives and events,” added Giovanni Mantovani, Veronafiere CEO/director general. “ At the same time, this edition enabled us organize an agenda of meetings at the highest institutional and business levels, which will help us develop new partnerships on strategic markets for the core business of Veronafiere itself.”

For the second consecutive year, Marmomacc was held in conjunction with Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere’s event dedicated to contract, design and interior decor sectors.

Marmomacc 2016 is set for next Sept. 28-Oct. 1.

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