Marmomac Holds Chicago Trade Mission
CHICAGO – Marmomac meets the “City of Architects” this week, as the international stone trade event holds a trade mission here.

The May 14-16 event includes a delegation of 12 companies in the natural stone sector for meetings with architecture and design studios. This programme of events was developed by Veronafiere-Marmomac, in collaboration with the Italian-American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest.
For three days, top players in the natural stone field will be involved in B2B meetings with 30 of the most-renowned firms in Chicago, including Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Lamar Johnson Collaborative, and Aria Group.
The companies joining Marmomac on this trip include:
BG Basaltite (Italy, Viterbo);
Marmi Scala (Italy, Verona);
Porfido Trentino (Italy, Trento);
Athena Marmi (Italy, Vicenza);
Agglotech (Italy, Verona);
Marmobon-Domos (Italy, Verona);
Cancian Pavimenti (Italy, Verona);
Antolini Luigi & C. (Italy, Verona);
Moca Stone (Portugal);
Granumlux (Portugal);
Ionia Pietre (Italy, Verona); and
Nikolaus Bagnara (Italy, Verona).
The third most populous metropolis in the United States is renowned not only for its windy climate and the 325 skyscrapers that define its skyline, but also as home to some of the most-famous architecture studios. The mission’s objective is help contact architects, interior designers, and contractors, and thereby find new opportunities for stone material in large construction projects and the luxury sector.
The choice of Chicago confirms the strategic importance of the United States for natural stone-products, especially for Made in Italy. Thanks to €227.6 million of imports in the first half of 2023 (latest available data. Source: Centro Studi Confindustria Marmomacchine), the USA is the top outlet market for Italian slabs and processed materials.
“This initiative,” explained Raul Barbieri, Veronafiere sales director, “confirms the landmark status of Marmomac for the promotion of natural stone materials on the stage of the leading international markets.
We opted for Chicago because of its global reputation as a centre of excellence for modern architecture and design. Contact with the leading local professionals in these two sectors is an extraordinary opportunity for companies not only as regards the North American market, but also as a way to open up possibilities for new collaborations in other areas of the world where these firms operate.”
The trade mission to Chicago is another step in the run-up to Marmomac 2024, scheduled for September 24-27 September at the Verona Exhibition Centre ( Last year’s event drew 1,507 exhibiting companies from 54 countries and attracted more than 51,000 professional operators (66% international from 138 countries, including 1,895 from the United States).