LPI Offers Pattern for N95-Mask Shield

ROMEOVILLE, Ill. — To helping slow down the spread of COVID-19 and help nurses, doctors, first-responders and communities, LPI sourced a shield design for N95 masks that can be printed out on vinyl plotters.

275 LPI N95 vinyl shieldYes, the vinyl plotters used to print out templates for countertop fabrication! The vinyl shields fit over the N95 masks and protect them from aerosolized particulates, extending the life of N95 masks. These shields can also be disinfected and reused multiple times.

 LPI has printed out and donated hundreds of these shields to local healthcare workers and first-responders and continue to create more shields to donate. LPI is making the digital file for these shields available to download for companies who have a vinyl plotter and want to make an impact in their own communities! 

With each piece costing approximately 11¢, these shields are a low-cost solution that can provide a high-level impact in the fight against COVID-19.

Download the .dxf of the vinyl shield HERE.

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