BETHANY, Conn. – LATICRETE SUPERCAP LLC received the “Expert’s Choice Award” for the category of “Onsite Mixing, Pumping and Placement of Underlayment Material” at the World of Concrete (WOC) 2012 exposition this January in Las Vegas.
Click photo to enlargeWith the WOC’s Most Innovative Products (MIP) Award Program, show attendees and readers of key concrete-industry media vote for products they see as the most innovative. A panel of industry experts ultimately reviewed and selected MIP award winners.
At the event, LATICRETE SUPERCAP actually had in its exhibit the “Next Generation Pump Truck,” a state-of-the-art, Mobile Blending Unit (MBU) which optimizes finishing new concrete or capping existing slabs by mixing material onsite at the ground level and then delivering it as high as 50 stories, significantly increasing productivity in every possible aspect.
“We are honored to win this award,” stated Maria Oliveira, LATICRETE corporate marketing manager. “Having our MBU right on the show floor at World of Concrete proved to be a major draw. And, having the focused and energetic LATICRETE SUPERCAP team right there to answer questions and explain specifics about the program to interested attendees, was equally as important.”
The LATICRETE SUPERCAP System is a time-saving, cost-effective method for finishing new concrete or capping existing slabs that meet or exceed finished flooring tolerances. The system is a LEED-qualified, low alkali, self-leveling, cement-based technology that is installed using a patented computer-controlled mobile blending unit.
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