Grounded in Father and Son
However, the company also goes out of its way to educate customers and potential customers, much of it with new media. That’s a part of the business where Jeremy Scarlett’s influence is evident.
Not only does the company have a web page (now in its second iteration and with an active blog), but it also utilizes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and more and Jeremy Scarlett says he and Stetler’s design assistant spend several hours each week keeping it all updated.
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However, the younger Scarlett believes it not only lets potential clients shop at their convenience, but it also provides much more information than a Yellow Pages ad – which the company also still has.
“The people who come in that way know a lot more about us when they call,” he says. “They can watch our videos and see what our projects and our people look like.”
Still, even the latest in technology can’t show the enthusiasm and pride with which Scarlett’s tackles a job. With a full schedule of projects ahead, Tom Scarlett says he has no intention of retiring from his second career.
“I’m 62 years old, and I’m out there working like a young guy, and I think that makes people feel good when they see the owners working on their projects,” he says. “When Jeremy gives a proposal he’s all dressed up, but then they’ll see him running the job, and it’s not like we get it and pass it off to a crew. It’s our combination of doing good work, solving problems and following through that’s built our reputation.
“People do notice.”
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