Green News for Quartz-based Surfaces

Recently, a few Spanish and international press organizations published articles regarding the dangers of breathing in fine crystalline-silica dust during dry fabrication of quartz slabs in the absence of appropriate operator protections.
First, it’s important to point out that crystalline silica is not only present in quartz slabs, but also, to varying degrees, in many other materials for the world of construction and architecture: ceramic slabs, granite slabs, sandstone slabs, and so on.
Breton informs entrepreneurs in the engineered-quartz slab sector and institutions responsible for protecting workers’ health that a concrete solution to this serious problem already exists. Simply replace natural quartz with Bioquartz®.
Bioquartz® is the first industrial quartz free of crystalline silica, obtained through a special technological process of pyrolytic fusion of a mix of common minerals. Breton has developed and patented slabs produced from this innovative material. This is to enable the production and distribution of 100% silica-free quartz slabs and, therefore, totally safe for operators, both during the manufacturing process of the slabs and during transformation into finished products.

Bioquartz® slabs boast equal technical and aesthetic characteristics of natural quartz slabs, as well as the same ease of processing.
In addition, from the perspective of circular economy and waste valorization, the production process of this innovative material allows for the reuse of processing sludge and slurries left over from quartz-slab manufacturing processes.
Breton has also developed Lapitec: the first sintered stone completely free of crystalline silica that’s manufactured in large, full-thickness slabs.
For more than 60 years, Breton has been committed to making the stone-processing industry increasingly efficient, sustainable, and respectful of the environment and the people who populate our planet.
The consolidated experience in the industry, plus the strong will to innovate sustainably, elevates Breton as a global reference in the composite-stone industry and a strategic partner for all who aspire to innovate through solid solutions for the present and, above all, for the future.

Breton S.p.A.
Via Garibaldi 27
31030 Castello di Godego (TV)
Tel. +39-0423-76-91
Facebook: @BretonSpa