Going Lean Within His Means
“It’s all about systems, and we’ve developed some pretty good systems to get the work in,” he says. “Landscaping is much the same, but it’s also different from job to job, and if you have systems and you’re a little bit flexible, it really does improve the end result.”
And, as for the boss and the fact that these days he’s out working with the crew, well, it’s a move that both clients and Woodhead seem to appreciate.
Click photo to enlargeHe says clients have noticed that he’s doing more than making a token appearance at their sites.
“The last review we had, the client said he was amazed to see the owner of the company working with his guys,” says Woodhead. “He was totally thrilled, and it was a pretty nice review.”
Woodhead adds that while he hasn’t always spent so much time in the field, it’s working well with Woody’s reshaped operation – and a bit of personal reshaping, too.
“I’ve changed my whole scope of what I’m trying to accomplish,” he says. “Fortunately, I love it. It’s great for me and the guys seem to like it, too, and that’s a good sign. I’ve also lost 10 lbs in the last month.”