Fabricators: Still Time on Tariffs
UPDATE on Feb. 6, 2019: Jon Lancto offered a second open letter to fabricators yesterday (2/5/2019) where he addressed the issue of the difficulty of many fabricators to address the USITC questionnaire:
“This is critical: Even if you’re having trouble filing the questionnaire you can still make your voice heard by calling the ITC directly (Julie Duffy 202 708 2579 or Lawrence Jones 202 205 3358), asking questions, explaining how most fabricators do not track this data and asking what these questions are driving at so perhaps you can give them the answers needed. The most important parts of the questionnaire to complete are Parts 2, 3, and 4, the graphs in particular”
“The ITC has extended the deadline and will work with companies that need more time. Call the ITC by this Friday February 8th, explain the situation and get the extension. As of now we don’t know how long the ITC will continue to keep this phase of the process open. Unlike the rest of the proceedings which were given the full 35 day delay to coincide with the government shutdown, filing the completed questionnaire deadline is not known. So act now while you still have a voice in the quartz fabrication industry.”
A longtime industry leader is making a last-minute appeal to get fabricators involved in Chinese quartz-surfaces unfair-trade action.
Jon LanctoJon Lancto, former president of both the Natural Stone Institute and the International Surface Fabricators Association, is asking fabricators to comment immediately on the proposed 300%-plus tariffs announced by the federal Department of Commerce last November.
The tariffs, proposed in light of an unfair-trade petition brought by U.S. quartz-surface manufacturer Cambria Company LLC, would also include a “critical-circumstances” action making assessment enforceable on all shipment from mid-August last year. The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) will make a final decision on the tariffs this spring.
Lancto published an open letter to fabricators today, urging them to comment through the USITC’s online questionnaire.
“The decision is coming down to the wire. Signing online petitions or sending letters to congressional representatives means nothing to the ITC in its upcoming final decision,” Lancto wrote. “The only thing that effects the ITC decision is completing and submitting the ITC questionnaire.”
Lancto includes a link (www.podi.com/quartz) to the questionnaire and detailed instructions on completion and submission from the The Quartz Coalition, a group of materials importers and fabricators.
The original deadline for submitting questionnaires passed earlier this month during the long shutdown of the U.S. government concerning immigration issues. Lancto noted the deadline has been extended for comment because of closed government offices (including the USITC), but it’s unclear if fabricator comments will only be accepted for another seven days.
“Cambria is banking on you to ignore this message,” Lancto wrote. “If you do ignore it, officially in the eyes of the U.S .Government, Cambria will be able to speak for you and every other independent fabricator in the U.S.”
“Fabricators need to get on-board with this effort to prevent Cambria from becoming the voice of our industry,” he added. “ Our American way of life was founded on individual freedom and independence. It’s time to fight to keep it that way.”
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