Rockheads Make Mark at Vegas Show
HOUSTON —More than 80 Rockheads representing 42 member companies, attended a group conference during The International Surface Event (TISE) in Las Vegas last month.
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On behalf of The DiJulius Group, a customer-experience consulting company, Dave Murray spoke during a Rockheads meeting on January 30. Murray’s discussion on the customer-service revolution gave members insight and tools to increase their business opportunities by creating positive customer experiences.
During the conference’s second day, Rockheads members also participated in the Best Idea Contest and shared ways to increase customer satisfaction and revenue in their businesses. Several great ideas were submitted; awards went to the top three submissions by member companies NS Motif, The Countertop Factory Midwest and Signature Interior Expressions.
The Rockheads Group is proud to boast the member involvement that was present at TISE. Karen Roe of NS Motif served as a panelist for the Fabricators Forum as member G.K. Naquin from Stone Interiors moderated and engaged the audience. Both members spoke on the important issues that challenge countertop fabricators today.
“Our 2018 conference was our most successful yet because of the Best Idea presentations,” said Bill Heuer from The Countertop Factory Midwest. “These allow a handful of Rockheads to explain a transformative idea that they have successfully implemented.
The Rockheads Group USA LLC is a council of “Best in Class” stone-fabricator executives in diverse markets, raising the industry bar and member ROI through Natural Stone Institute accreditation requirements, best practices, benchmarking, and financial transparency. The group’s primary offering is business intelligence for stone fabricator executives along with partnerships with industry vendors via a group stone-certified program.
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