BSI/MIA Washington Study Tour Set for November
WASHINGTON – Registration is now open for the Building Stone Institute (BSI) and Marble Institute of America (MIA) jointly hosted 2015 study tour here in November to study the rich heritage of natural stone in the Nation’s Capital.
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The Nov. 15-18 event immediately precede Greenbuild’s Expo which affords stone professionals an opportunity to extend their learning experience and see what other building products are competing with natural stone in the green building marketplace.
Tour highlights include many member-led, open forum workshops; tours of the Martin Luther King and Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorials and other monuments; a visit to the National Cathedral for a presentation on earthquake repairs and routine restoration efforts; and an interactive “Stone Experience” at Luck Stone Center in Sterling, Va.
Peter Miller, vice president, publisher, and general manager of the Home Group of Active Interest Media (AIM) – whose work serves the information needs of old house owners, architects, contractors, building owners, developers and facilities managers who do residential and non-residential historic preservation and traditional building – will speak on trends in the building and design communities.
The “Stone Experience” Workshops will feature hands-on learning stations including:
- Thin Veneer Stone;
- Anchored Stone;
- Paving;
- Stone Architectural Carving;
- Stone Letter Carving ;
- Care and Maintenance;
- Splitting and Trimming;
- Dry Stone Wall Building;
- Building Stone Geology; and
- Stone Tools.
Participants will also have an opportunity to attend two MIA “Women in Stone” facilitated programs.
This is not the first time these two leading stone associations have come together to host a study tour. Both collaborated on a Vermont study tour in 2011, as well as individually leading tours over the past several years to places such as Minnesota, Texas, Colorado, Georgia, and Alberta.
Early event sponsors include Custom Building Products, EuroStone Machine USA, Luck Stone Center, Miles Supply, Park Industries, Rock of Ages, and Stone Source. The Stone Experience workshops are being hosted by Red Leaf Stone Anchors, Manassas Granite & Marble, Coldspring, Northern Stone Supply, Custom Building Products, Tompkins Bluestone, Trow and Holden, The Stone Store and Rundle Rock Building Stone.
Registration information can be found at: Early bird registration ends July 31.
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