Brazil’s Importance in the International Natural Stone Market
Between domestic and export business, it is estimated that the Brazilian natural stone industry generated trade of $5.5 billion in 2013. The 10,000 companies making up the industrial production chain in Brazil are responsible for around 126,000 direct jobs and 360,000 indirect jobs. Out of the total companies in the industry, some 400 are exporters.
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Recent surveys identified 18 production clusters of dimension stones in Brazil, distributed over 80 municipalities in 10 Brazilian states. The largest part of these production clusters is located in the southeastern region, due to the geographic proximity to the main consumer, processing and export regions.
In general terms, there are quarrying activities in around 400 municipalities, with 1,500 active mining operations and production of 1,200 commercial varieties of stone.
It can be observed that quarrying and processing activities of natural stones, like the rest of mining activities, are being transferred to developing countries of continental dimensions with abundant natural resources and favorable conditions for exporting. In the dimension stones segment, that’s the case of Brazil, which is imposing on the traditional European players in the international market.
Brazil is recognized for its exceptional mineral diversity, including natural stones, with a highlight for siliceous materials (granite and similar stone, including quartzites). The production and export of these materials, in addition to slate and other less common stone, shows strong growth, which reflects the Brazilian capacity to transform mineral resources in mineral-industrial business.
In the medium and long term, it can be suggested that Brazilian granite, slate and quartzite will be the main stones in the international market in the 21st century. This is the directive for incrementing quarrying and processing of natural stones, paving the way for the installation of modern industrial centers and assuring the sales of Brazilian products in the domestic and export markets.
By seeking to establish the basis for increased competition for its “made in Brazil” products, ABIROCHAS is developing systematic fomentation programs supported by APEX Brazil – the Export and Investment Promotion Agency. The excellent results achieved by the APEX/ABIROCHAS Program has created the trade fundamentals necessary for the sale of finished products and services, guided by the new brand Brasil Original Stones.
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