BLANCO Wins Design Honor for Sink
LUMBERTON, N.J. — German sink/faucet manufacturer BLANCO received a major honor last month from Interior Design magazine for its CRYSTALLINE™ sink.
Click to enlargeThe company became a 2012 Best of Year (BOY) honoree in the Kitchen:Fixtures class for the compact hideaway sink, with presentation of the award during ceremonies in New York on Nov. 29.
Interior designers and architects selected Best of Year Product Design finalists via an online vote from 660 submissions; a jury of architects and designers determined winners. More than 86,000 votes were tallied in this year’s competition.
“The CRYSTALLINE’s breakthrough design has made a huge impression in the industry,” stated Tim Maicher, Director of Marketing for BLANCO. “We are humbled by winning so many awards by such highly regarded peers – a truly remarkable feat.”
BLANCO has been recognized by the design community with five Interior Design BOY awards in the last four years for MicroEdge, SOLON, RONIS, CULINA and now CRYSTALLINE. (Three of the five were BOY winners.) BLANCO is the only company to have been a four-time finalist in the “Kitchen Fixtures” category at the BOY awards; the Oberderdingen, Germany-based manufacturer also holds the record for BOY Winners in the same category.
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