Benchmarks Top the Agenda for Rockheads

PORTLAND, Ore. – The Rockheads Group took stock of its position in premium stone fabrication during its annual benchmarking meeting here on June 19-20.

250 rockheads groupClick photo to see all the groupMembers of the private group of stone-fabrication businesses confidentially submitted their company financials prior to the meeting, fueling benchmarking discussions with the purpose of learning from one another, sharing best practice standards and understanding their influence in the market. More than over 60 individual members, representing more than 30 companies. gathered in Portland to review and compare their financial statements.

The sharing of privileged data allowed members to analyze individual financial variables and provide their perspectives in each category to capitalize on areas of opportunity for their own businesses. Thanks to the culmination of data collected, the findings revealed RHG’s network represents the following within the stone fabrication industry:

• Over $600 million in sales per year
• More than 3,400 employees
• Over 1 million ft² of manufacturing facilities
• Over 8 million ft² of stone fabricated and installed
• $2,714 average job sold

“Though we’ve hosted benchmarking meetings in the past, this year’s was particularly eye-opening,” said Jon Kaplan, RHG managing director. “There was a renewed sense of energy in the room. The review proved invaluable and made it clearer than ever that continuous knowledge sharing with other industry leaders will propel these companies forward in collective success.”

RHG member Precision Countertops opened the doors of their Wilsonville, Ore., location, offering tours of its 70,000 ft² fabrication shop. During the visit, members took note of Precision Countertops’ methods in fabrication, operations and administrative processes.

After touring the vast facilities, meeting sponsors Granite Gold, Daltile, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Imagilux and Laser Products set the tone for collaboration among members by presenting valuable information during roundtable discussions on how to maximize RHG affiliation.

During the conference, Marqet Group, an agency focused on providing marketing support for surfacing industry fabricators and manufacturers, unveiled new branding for the Rockheads Group. The launch created a synergy of assurance for the direction of the organization who will now host quarterly meetings, with the next one scheduled for St. Louis this fall.

The RHG, a private association of more than 50 industry leading stone and surfacing fabrication businesses, continues to gain momentum across the United States, and recently added new members in Texas, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, New York and Hawaii. The group is currently implementing an aggressive expansion plan, and will continue focusing their marketing efforts through their collaboration with Marqet Group.

For more information on the Rockheads Group and ways to become a member, please visit

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