Registration Open for 2022 KBIS

ORLANDO — The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) recently opened registration for the 2022 Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) to be held here early next year.

KBIS 2022 Registration Now OpenNext year’s event, “Where the Future is Defined,” will be Feb. 8-10 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando.

“We are very much looking forward to getting the industry back together at the start of the new year,” says Suzie Williford, NKBA executive vice president.

The largest North American trade expo for kitchen and bath industry professionals, next year’s event will continue to partner with the National Association of Home Builders, the NAHB, and its International Builders’ Show – the IBS – to create Design & Construction week, featuring more than 800,000 net ft² of exhibit space including more than 1,000 design and construction brands.

KBIS itself if expected to fill more than 380,500 net ft² with an estimated 450 exhibitors. That number is expected to include more than 40 new exhibitors. Some 85 global brands from Germany, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Taiwan, China, Mexico and Poland will also be present.

The NBKA and Emerald s, the show’s producer, note that they’re committed to creating an event where people can safely and effectively conduct business in person. As a result, attendees are expected to follow CDC COVID-19 health and safety protocols in place at the time of the show.

For September only, registration is free for NKBA members and $50 for non-members. For more information, visit

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