Marmomac Still on Track

VERONA, Italy – Planning for Marmomac 2020 continues, with a commitment to coping with Covid-19 issues.

The Sept. 30-Oct. 3 event is still on the calendar and set for the northern Italian city.

300marmolong“Marmomac wishes to express its support and closeness to everyone who, in various ways, is involved and committed to tackling this global emergency,” stated a release from Veronafiere, the event’s organizer. “These are extremely difficult times for everyone, and, in this exceptional context, our priority is more than ever to protect our employees and partners by maintaining the highest possible quality of service.”

The organizing staff, however, continues to deal with Italy’s national lockdown to contain coronavirus infection. The country’s prime minister recently extended the orders to limit individual movement and most businesses through May 2.

“In compliance with the indications received from Italian institutions concerning restrictive measures to contain Covid-19,” the statement added, “Veronafiere continues its operations thanks to smart-working formulas in order to ensure unchanged quality of service and rapid responses to requests from sector operators, while also constantly following up the evolution of the national and international situation.

“The aim underlying this approach is to ensure perfect organization of the 55th Marmomac and thereby confirm the role of the event as the hub for meetings between professionals in the international natural-stone system – a field where Italy plays a leading role.”

Event organizers continue to develop new projects and strengthen digital platforms to encourage broader sharing of information and more widespread commercial business development.

Work also continues on The Italian Stone Theatre – the hall dedicated to design with stone created to offer the sector another voice through culture, design and architecture seen as a driving force behind business and the international expression of the items of excellence Made in Italy.

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