Going to Xiamen? The MIA+BSI Wants You!

OBERLIN, Ohio & CHESTERTOWN, N.Y. – If you’re heading to the big stone event in China next March, the MIA+BSI would like you to lend a hand.

275 MSIBIAThe MIA+BSI, in coordination with the China Xiamen International Stone Fair, is extending an opportunity to association members interested in volunteering their time and serving as part of the delegation to the fair, help on March 6-9.

This year’s trip will include:

  • Three nights’ lodging at Xiamen Stone Fair designated hotel;
  • A day-trip study tour to visit-natural stone factories;
  • On-site ground transportation to MIA+BSI-planned activities; and
  • Invitations to several VIP receptions.

“Serving on this delegation helped expand my knowledge of stone and the tremendous production capability in China,” said Daniel Wood, this year’s BSI president. “It also allowed me to expand my network and enhance existing relationships.”

2017 MIA President Jon Lancto added that, “This is a unique opportunity to not only visit China but also to see the industry from another country’s perspective and network with the leaders in our industry. It has been an eye-opening trip for everyone who has attended in the past.”

MIA+BSI will also conduct several educational sessions as part of the World Stone Congress program during the Xiamen event. The deadline to sign up is Nov. 30.

For more information about serving on the delegation, contact Pam Hammond at (440) 250-9222 or pam@naturalstoneinstitute.org.

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