PASSINGS: José Martínez-Cosentino Justo

MACAEL, Spain — José Martínez-Cosentino Justo, 78, founding partner of the Cosentino Group, in Madrid early on July 13.

Photo courtesy Cosentino Group

Also widely known as “Pepe” Cosentino,  he joined the family business after the organization of of Mármoles Cosentino SA in 1980, by his brothers Francisco and Eduardo Martínez-Cosentino Justo. He served for more than three decades as treasurer of Cosentino Group, and on the company’s Executive Committee until 2020.

Born in Macael in 1945, son of Eduarda Justo and Eduardo Cosentino, he graduated in Economics from the University of Barcelona in 1975. Before joining the family company on a permanent basis, he worked at Henkel Ibérica, Banco Popular and Torras Hostench

“José leaves behind an enormous legacy of entrepreneurship, boldness and wisdom, which contributed decisively to the growth of the company,” noted a statement from Cosentino Group on his passing. “But, above all, an indelible mark will be left behind by his immense generosity and kindness.”

He is survived by his wife, Isabel Maria, and four children: Isabel, Eduardo, María de los Ángeles, and Aída.

A wake and funeral mass were held in Macael earlier today.